
What is

Taste often means two different things.

In everyday language, taste is the set of gustatory, olfactory and sensory sensations, that is to say the perception of all the sensations caused in the mouth by a food or a liquid (flavor, odor and texture ). This set of perceptions is actually called " flavor ". (1)

On the other hand, for the specialist, the definition of taste is limited to gustation: the sensation resulting from the stimulation of the taste buds on the tongue.

So ultimately, taste is the sense that identifies flavors (chemicals in the form of liquid solutions in the mouth).
It allows us to assess the nutrient content of food and is essential for the survival of most animals. (2)

It consists of 5 primary flavors: sweet, salty, bitter, sour, umami (from Japanese "tasty", associated with the sensation produced by monosodium glutamate).(1)

1. Loïc Briand. La chimie du goût. DEUG. (La chimie du goût), 2018, 16 p. (hal-02791513)
2. Heckmann JG et al. Neurological aspects of taste disorders. Neurological review, Arch Neurol 2003;60:667-71.
How taste works
How taste works

How taste works

The perception of flavors works in 3 steps.

The saliva first dissolves the taste molecules and routes them to the gustatory papillae containing the taste buds.

The gustatory papillae analyze and recognize different flavors, and the taste budstranslate them into electrical energy to transmit taste information to the brain. The taste buds therefore make the connection between what is on the tongue and the nervous system.

The nerves are then responsible for transmitting nerve impulses to the brain.(1)

1. Loïc Briand. La chimie du goût. DEUG. (La chimie du goût), 2018, 16 p. (hal-02791513)
Difference between taste and smell
Difference between taste and smell

Difference between taste and smell

Along with taste, which identifies flavors, smell is the sense that perceives aromas (chemicals that are volatile in the air).

The odorous molecules are captured in:
○ breathable through the nose = direct route
○ chewing food = retro-nasal route

They then reach the olfactory cells of the olfactory epithelium to transmit their information in the form of nerve impulses to the olfactory bulb in the brain.

The sense of smell is vital for many animal species: food research, avoidance of predators, location of the nesting place, spawning, reproduction, etc…

It is used a little less in humans but has a big role in eating behavior.(1)

1. Loïc Briand. La chimie du goût. DEUG. (La chimie du goût), 2018, 16 p. (hal-02791513)

What affects taste?
What affects taste?

What affects taste?

Taste sensitivity can be altered in many ways and at different levels: disorders of the salivary glands, degraded or inflamed taste buds, nerve damage or damage of the central nervous system. ( 1,2)

These alterations can be the consequence of aging or of various local factors, nutritional, medicinal, the fact of smoking, etc ... (1,6)

Many pathologies can also be the cause of these alterations, hence the interest of following the variations in the sensitivity to taste in order to better understand the patients health status. (2)

These pathologies which cause taste disorders can be: Covid-19 (3) (with sudden and often prolonged loss of taste in long Covid), diabetes (diabetic neuropathy and diabetic foot correlated with taste impairment) (4,5) , neurodegenerative diseases (impairment of taste sensitivity from the early stages and which intensifies with the progression of disease) (7) , anti-cancer treatments.(8)

1. Loïc Briand. La chimie du goût. DEUG. (La chimie du goût), 2018, 16 p. (hal-02791513)
2. Heckmann JG et al. Neurological aspects of taste disorders. Neurological review, Arch Neurol 2003;60:667-71.
3. HCSP. Avis relatif aux signes cliniques d’orientation diagnostique du Covid-19. 20 avril 2020.
4. Martini J et al. Le pied diabétique. MCED n°92. Janvier 2018.
5. Le Floch JP et al. Early detection of diabetic patients at risk of developing degenerative complications using electric gustometry: a five-year follow-up study. Eur J Med 1992;1:208-14.
6. Cheruel F et al. Effect of cigarette smoke on gustatory sensitivity, evaluation of the deficit and of the recovery time-course after smoking cessation. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2017;15:15.
7. Pouyet V et al. Perception, préférences et consommation alimentaires chez les personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer. ERES, Cliniques, Cairn info. 2013;6:217-32.
8. AFSOS. Référentiels inter-régionaux en Soins Oncologiques de Support. Neuropathie périphérique et cancer. 2012.
Consequences of a loss of taste
Consequences of taste loss

Consequences of taste loss

A partial or total loss of taste sensitivity has consequences on the general state of health.

The eating behavior and nutritional status of patients can be affected with the installation of bad eating habits (increased consumption of salt, alcohol, reduced consumption of vitamins, fiber, etc.) . (6) These consequences are all the more problematic if the patient already presents a pathology. (9)

Patients are also more vulnerable because they can no longer detect flavors that are harmful to their health. A decrease in taste sensitivity can therefore represent a major impairment in the daily life and loss of autonomy of the patient. (7)

In neuropathies (diabetic (5) , or caused by anti-cancer treatments), loss of taste is an important signal to recognize to prevent more serious complications or very damaging treatment stoppages for patients.(8)

5. Martini J et al. Le pied diabétique. MCED n°92. Janvier 2018.
6. Cheruel F et al. Effect of cigarette smoke on gustatory sensitivity, evaluation of the deficit and of the recovery time-course after smoking cessation. Tobacco Induced Diseases. 2017;15:15.
7. Pouyet V et al. Perception, préférences et consommation alimentaires chez les personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d'Alzheimer. ERES, Cliniques, Cairn info. 2013;6:217-32.
8. AFSOS. Référentiels inter-régionaux en Soins Oncologiques de Support. Neuropathie périphérique et cancer. 2012.
9. Thomas DC et al. Dysgeusia: A review in the context of COVID-19. J Am Dent Assoc. 2021 Nov 16:S0002-8177(21)00519-5.

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